Periodontal Treatment in Seattle, WA
According to the American Dental Association (ADA), the majority of the population of the United States has gum disease. It is actually the most common dental ailment, occurring far more frequently than well-known maladies like cavities or canker sores.
If you think you may have gum disease, you should locate a dentist in Seattle, WA who offers periodontal treatment. At Greenlake Dental, we are a preventive and restorative dentist with periodontal treatment near you that is affordable and comprehensive.
Gum Disease
Gum disease occurs when the tissues surrounding the teeth become infected by bacteria. The infection is caused by plaque, a sticky film that builds up inside the mouth and is left behind by food and beverages. When someone does not brush and floss their teeth properly, the plaque can become trapped in the gum tissue, causing irritation and infection.
Gum disease has two stages: Gingivitis and periodontal disease. Gingivitis is more common and is the early stages of the disease, while periodontal disease occurs later. Both require treatment as soon as possible to prevent future health problems.
Periodontal Treatment
At Greenlake Dental, periodontal treatment in Seattle, WA can take multiple forms. Individuals with gingivitis often just need a thorough cleaning and education on how to clean the teeth properly. However, our knowledgeable dentist can also prescribe antibiotics and perform scaling and root planing to remove pockets of bacteria.
Patients with periodontal disease need more intensive care. At this point, the infection is severe, and the gums are starting to be destroyed. The teeth are in danger of falling out. Our dentist has a variety of surgical and non-surgical options, including scaling and root planing, antibiotics, pocket reduction surgery, and bone or tissue grafting.
How to Receive Treatment
When you are searching for a local dentist near you, consider contacting us at Greenlake Dental. To receive periodontal treatment, all you need to do is schedule an appointment for a regular exam. Our dentist can then inspect your gums and create a customized treatment plan that suits your needs and desires.